Coil Cord Mast
Part Number: 11954 Quantity Available: 0 Quantity In Transit:Description
Brand Name: 3M
*Sub Brand: Super 77
*Adhesion Strength: Medium Strength
*Material: Synthetic Polymer
*Product Type: Adhesive
*Container Size: 16.75 oz.
*Product Form: Liquid
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Packaging Type: Aerosol Can
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Color: Clear
*Flammable: Yes
*Curing Time: 60 min
*UV Resistant: No
*Nonflammable: No
*Solvent Resistant: Yes
*Working Time: 30 min
*Bonds: -Bonding Paper -Cardboard -Fabric -Cushion Foam -Plastic -Metal -Wood -And much more
*Full Cure Time: 24 hr.
*Recommended Surface: Bonds Cardboard, Ceramic, Fabric, Fiberglass, Foam, Glass, Leather, Metal, Paper, Plastic, Rubber, Vinyl, Wood
*Adhesion Level: Medium Strength
*Color Family when Dry: Clear
*Low VOC: Yes
*Material Type: Liquid
*California Low Voc option Ace No. 1696160
Part No. | 11954 |
U/M | / EA |
Price | $503.18 |
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